【感悟】My mentor

  • 文:放射科 杨扬
  • 日期:2017-06-01

It is easy to find a teacher who is knowledgeable, but it is hard to find someone who teaches you how to do it with his own actions. Having a good mentor is so lucky in someone’s life. A Good mentor is like the lighthouse of life, who guiding you the way forward; A good mentor is like a lush tree, who keeping out the students from wind and rain; A good mentor is like hard-working bee, who sharing the sweet knowledge with students. I am so lucky to meet the teacher Yu, She is such a well-deserved good mentor.

Teacher Yu is of great academic accomplishment, besides, she is tall and graceful. Her face is always filled with warm smile, not only treating people kind, but also having a serious and responsible of the teacher. As the director of the imaging department, she not only studies in the field of expertise, but also modest to others, so that everyone likes her. When I first saw her, I felt her warm spring-like atmosphere, and the conversation with her is such as comfortable as the spring .There is a strong atmosphere of study in our radiology department and every member get easily relaxed . Our department is a warm and positive family, which is inseparable from the efforts of teacher Yu, Because she get everyone's heart together as a "good parents". Teacher Yu has a strong professional knowledge and rich experience in the image diagnosis , especially in the cardiothoracic image diagnosis, she also has a deep research in the image of the front of the image knowledge and imaging technology.

Teacher Yu is also a friend to me, she is warm and patient in the life, but professional and serious in the work. She warned us that we would be the doctors in the future, our action is associated with the sadness of many patients’ families, we should be responsible for our own profession meticulously.We need to write image reports every day, when the reports are finished, she will modify the reports patiently and point out the mistakes we made. The teacher will guide me to read and analyze the paper.Teacher Yu also is strict with herself and set an example to urge us to learn. As the future successor, we have just entered the medical threshold, so we should keep up with the pace of mentor for being more professional. I am from the distant Sichuan, Chengdu, more than 30 hours by train. Just arrived in Dalian, the teacher often cared about me and worried whether I was adapt to the difference between North and South, whether to know the change in temperature and garments, whether to adapt to the diet and the dormitory. These warm concerns are all in my mind.

In short, I thank and respect my mentor, I will take her as a role model all the time. Learn from her all the aspects and make great efforts , so that I can be a good graduate student and become a good doctor.




