
[1]  赵德伟,王卫明,王铁男,卢建民,王德仁,于晓光,张朝阳,孙强. 髋关节发育不良晚期病变的联合手术治疗[J]. 骨与关节损伤杂志,2001,06:427-428.

[2]  赵德伟,王卫明,崔旭.关节镜监视下带血管蒂大转子骨瓣转移治疗股骨头缺血性坏死,中华显微外科杂志,2001,24(4):244-246.

[3]  赵德伟,王卫明,康凯夫,等.周围神经缺损神经移植修复对神经元细胞凋亡的影响.中华外科杂志,2002,(11):862-864.2003年获大连市优秀医学论文一等奖.

[4]  赵德伟,王卫明,刘宇鹏,等.血管束移植神经修复外周神经损伤对神经元细胞凋亡的影响.中华显微外科杂志,2002,(2):132-134.

[5]  赵德伟,王卫明.韦氏活骨1号胶囊治疗股骨头缺血性坏死动物实验研究.中国骨伤,2003,(12).

[6]  赵德伟,王卫明.带旋股外侧血管升支髂嵴支和髂前下嵴支双骨膜瓣的应用解剖.中国临床解剖学杂志,2003,21(3):211-213.

[7]  赵德伟,王卫明,刘宇鹏,杨磊,卢建民,张朝阳,郭哲,崔振江,王永林. 先天性髋关节脱位手术治疗的探讨[J]. 中国骨伤,2003,06:19-21.

[8]  赵德伟,崔旭,孙强,等.旋股外侧血管升支的髂嵴支和髂前下棘支双骨膜瓣转移治疗Perthes病.中华显微外科杂志,2003,26(4):259-261.

[9]  赵德伟,徐达传,马岩,王卫明,郭哲,张合亮,芦健民,王铁男,杨磊. 旋股外侧血管升支臀中肌支大转子骨瓣转移的应用解剖[J]. 中华显微外科杂志,2004,02:52-54.

[10]  赵德伟,崔旭,李秀成,等.带旋股外侧血管升支的臀中肌支大转子骨瓣转移治疗股骨头缺血性坏死.骨与关节损伤杂志,2004,19(1):4-6.

[11]  赵德伟,王本杰.关节镜下应用带血管蒂骨瓣转移治疗股骨头缺血性坏死.中华显微外科杂志,2004,27(4):254.获2005年度大连市优秀论文一等奖。

[12]  赵德伟,王卫明,王本杰,王铁男,芦健民,郭林,崔旭,于晓光. 保留股骨头手术治疗股骨头缺血性坏死1005例临床分析[J]. 中华外科杂志,2005,16:1054-1057.

[13]  赵德伟,徐达传,王卫明. 早期股骨头缺血性坏死的微创治疗[J]. 中国骨与关节损伤杂志,2005,10:670-672.

[14]  赵德伟,王卫明,芦健民,孙强. 改良小切口技术在骨水泥型全髋关节置换术中的应用[J]. 中国骨与关节损伤杂志,2005,01:3-5.

[15]  赵德伟,张耀,王卫明,等.全髋关节置换术和带血运骨瓣移位术治疗股骨头坏死.中国修复与重建外科杂志,2005,19(9):700.

[16]  赵德伟,张耀,徐达传.旋股外侧动脉横支联合臀中肌支大转子骨(膜)瓣的应用解剖.中国临床解剖学杂志,2005,23(3):234-236.

[17]  赵德伟,徐达传,崔旭.股骨头不同区域囊变对力学承载的影响.中华骨科杂志,2005,25(4):232.获2005年度大连市优秀论文一等奖.

[18]  王卫明,赵德伟.液氮冷冻制备股骨头缺血性坏死动物模型研究探讨.中国骨与关节损伤杂志,2001,16(6):444-445.

[19]  王卫明,赵德伟.髓芯减压自体骨髓细胞结合重组合异种骨移植治疗股骨内髁骨坏死.骨与关节损伤杂志,2005,20(2):100.

[20]  王卫明,赵德伟. 病灶清除自体骨髓细胞结合重组合异种骨移植治疗距骨缺血性坏死[J]. 中国骨与关节损伤杂志,2005,05:314-315.

[21]  Zhang F, Fischer K, Komorowska-Timek E, Guo M, Cui D, Dorsett-Martin W, Buncke HJ, Lineaweaver WC. Improvement of Skin Paddle Survival by Application of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor in a Rat TRAM Flap Model. Annals of Plastic Surgery 46:314, 2001.

[22]  Zhang F, Dorsett-Martin W, Fischer K, Angel M, Buncke HJ, Lineaweaver WC. The Role of Medical Students in Microsurgery Research. Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery 17:89, 2001.

[23]  Zhang F, Sones W, Guo M, Xu XZ, Buncke HJ, Dorsett-Martin W, Lineaweaver WC. Reconstruction of Ureteral Defects with Microvascular Vein Grafts in a Rat Model. Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery 17:179, 2001.

[24]  Zhang F, Sones W, Lineaweaver WC. Microsurgical Flap Models in the Rat. Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery 17:211, 2001.

[25]  Zhang F, Inserra M, Richards L, Terris D, Lineaweaver WC. Quantifying Nerve Tension and Its Effect on Sciatic Function in a Rat Sciatic Nerve Injury Model. Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery 17:445, 2001.

[26]  Zhang F, Richards L, Angel MF, Zhang J, Liu H, Dorsett-Martin W, Lineaweaver WC. Accelerating flap maturation by vascular endothelium growth factor in a rat tube flap model. British Journal of Plastic Surgery 55:59, 2002.

[27]  Zhang F. Editorial: Dr. Zhong Wei Chen: A Microsurgery Pioneer. Microsurgery 22:3, 2002.

[28]  Zhang F, Fischer K. End-to-Side Neurorrhaphy. Microsurgery 22:122, 2002.

[29]  Zhang F, Blain B, Beck J, Zhang J, Chen G, Chen ZW, Lineaweaver WC. Autogenous Venous Graft with Intraluminal Seeded Schwann Cells as A Conduit for Repair of Long Segmental Nerve Defect. Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery 18:295, 2002.

[30]  Zhang F, Lei MP, Oswald T, Pang YT, Blain B, Cai ZW, Lineaweaver WC. The Effect of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor on the Healing of Ischemic Skin Wounds. British Journal of Plastic Surgery 56:334, 2003.

[31]  Zhang F, Zhang J, Lin SY, Oswald T, Sones W, Cai ZW, Dorsett-Martin W, Lineaweaver WC. Small Intestinal Submucosa in Abdominal Wall Repair after TRAM Flap Harvest with in the Rat Model. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 112:565, 2003.

[32]  Zhang F, Lin S, Cai Z, Jones M, Cohly H, Dorsett-Martin, Kryger Z, Lineaweaver WC. Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Expression and the Effect of Exogenous VEGF on Survival of A Random Flap in the Rat. British Journal of Plastic Surgery 56:653, 2003.

[33]  Zhang F. Review of “Reconstructive Microsurgery: Proceedings of the II Congress of the World Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery”. Microsurgery 23:535, 2003.

[34]  Zhang F, Liu H, Stile F, Lei MP, Pang Y, Beck J, Dorsett-Martin W, Lineaweaver WC. Effect of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor on Rat Achilles Tendon Healing. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 112:1613, 2003.

[35]  Zhang F, Lineaweaver WC. Dr. Zhong Wei Chen: A Microsurgery Pioneer. Journal of Long-Term Effects of Medical Implants 13:363, 2003.

[36]  Zhang F, Lineaweaver WC. Gene Transfer with DNA Strand Technique in Peripheral Nerve Injuries. Journal of Long-Term Effects of Medical Implants 12:85, 2002.

[37]  Zhang F, Lineaweaver WC. Growth Factors and Gene Transfer with DNA Strand Technique in Tendon Healing. Journal of Long-Term Effects of Medical Implants 12:105, 2002.

[38]  Zhang F, Fischer K, Lineaweaver WC. DNA Strand Gene Transfer and Bone Healing. Journal of Long-Term Effects of Medical Implants 12:113, 2002.

[39]  Zhang F, Pang Y, Buntic RF, Jones M, Cai Z, Lineaweaver WC, Buncke HJ. The Effect of Sequence, Timing of Vascular Anastomosis, and Clamp Removal on Survival of Microsurgical Flaps. Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery 18: 697, 2002.

 [40] Zhang F, Zhu C, Oswald T, Lei MP, Lineaweaver WC. Small Intestinal Submucosa as a Carrier for Skin Flap Prefabrication. Annals of Plastic Surgery 51:488, 2003.

[41]  Zhang F, Oswald T, Holt J, Gerzenshtein J, Lei MP, Lineaweaver WC. Regulation of Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase in Ischemic Preconditioning of Muscle Flap in A Rat Model. Annals of Plastic Surgery 52:609, 2004.

[42]  Zhang F, Waller W, Lineaweaver WC. Growth Factors and Flap Survival. Microsurgery 24:162, 2004.

[43]  Waller W, Lee J, Zhang F, Lineaweaver WC. Gene Therapy in Flap Survival, Microsurgery 24:168, 2004.

[44]  Zhang F, Ji Y, Pickus E, Oswald T, Gui L, Lineaweaver WC. Cartilage Repair Using Porcine Small Intestinal Submucosa in a Rabbit Model: A Preliminary Study. Timisoara Medical Journal 54:24, 2004.

[45]  Zhang F, Jackman T, Lineaweaver WC. Mandibular Reconstruction with Microsurgical Bone Flap and Dental Implants. Journal of Long-Term Effects of Medical Implants 14:305, 2004.

[46]  Zhang F, Lineaweaver WC. A Microsurgery Giant. Microsurgery 24:263, 2004.

[47]  Zhang J, Chen WJ, Zhang F, Chen TY, Lineaweaver WC. Gene Transfer in Peripheral Nerve Injury and Repair. Foreign Medical Science (Section of Orthopedics) 25:266, 2004.

[48]  Zhang J, Chen WJ, Zhang F, Chen TY, Lineaweaver WC. End-to-Side Neurorrhaphy. Foreign Medical Science (Section of Orthopedics) 25:274, 2004.

[49]  Zhang F, Hu EC, Gerzenshtein J, Lei MP, Lineaweaver WC. The Expression of Proinflammatory Cytokines in the Rat Muscle Flap with Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury. Annals of Plastic Surgery 54:313, 2005.

[50]  Zhang F, Gerzenshtein J, Lineaweaver WC.  Invited Discussion: End-to-Side Nerve Grafting of the Tibial Nerve to Bridge A Neuroma-in-Continuty. Microsurgery 25:164, 2005.

[51]  Zhang F, Yang FX, Hu EC, Zhang J, Lei MP, Sones W, Lineaweaver WC. Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Gene Therapy in Improvement of Skin Paddle Survival in a Rat TRAM Flap Model. Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery 21: 391, 2005.

[52]  Zhang FH, Chang SM, Lin SQ, Song YP, Zheng HP, Lineaweaver WC, Zhang F. Modified Distally Based Sural Neuro-Veno-Fasciocutaneous Flap: Anatomical Study and Clinical Applications. Microsurgery 25:543, 2005.

[53]  Zhang F, Lineaweaver WC. Arterial and Venous Grafts. Practical Manual of Experimental Microsurgery, Edited by Ionac M, Lineaweaver WC, Zhang F. Orizonturi Universitare, Timisoara, Chapter 6:5, 2005.

[54]  Zhang F, Lineaweaver WC. Primary Anastomosis of Common Bile Duct.  Practical Manual of Experimental Microsurgery, Edited by Ionac M, Lineaweaver WC, Zhang F. Orizonturi Universitare, Timisoara, Chapter 6:14, 2005.

[55]  Zhang F, Lineaweaver WC. Primary Anastomosis of Ureter. Practical Manual of Experimental Microsurgery, Edited by Ionac M, Lineaweaver WC, Zhang F. Orizonturi Universitare, Timisoara, Chapter 6:16, 2005.

[56]  王本杰,王卫明. 2005全国髋关节及周围神经外科学术研讨会在大连召开[J]. 中华医学杂志,2005,34:2432.

[57]  芦健民,赵德伟. 经皮椎体成形术在骨质疏松性压缩骨折中的应用[J]. 骨与关节损伤杂志,2004,08:534-535.

[58]  芦健民,赵德伟. 经皮椎体成形术的临床应用[A]. 《中国矫形外科杂志》编委会、哈尔滨医科大学、解放军第二一一医院、高雄博正医院.第二届海峡两岸矫形外科学术研讨会论文集[C].《中国矫形外科杂志》编委会、哈尔滨医科大学、解放军第二一一医院、高雄博正医院:,2004:1.

[59]  芦健民,赵德伟. 带血管蒂髂骨瓣转移、BMP人工骨植入加空心钉内固定治疗股骨颈骨折[J]. 医师进修杂志,2005,02:26-27.

[60]  芦健民,赵德伟. 陈旧性股骨颈骨折的手术治疗(附62例报告)[J]. 中国骨与关节损伤杂志,2005,01:21-23.

[61]  廉皓屹,孙强. 松质骨、骨髓细胞移植联合血管束植入治疗股骨内髁骨坏死[J]. 现代医药卫生,2005,01:21.

[62]  孙强,赵德伟.股骨中下段骨不愈合及骨缺损的显微外科治疗.现代医药卫生,2001, 17(2):87.

[63]  孙强,赵德伟.骨髓移植松质骨植骨血管束植入治疗9例骨折不愈合.现代医药卫生,2001,(4).

[64]  孙强,赵德伟.带旋股外动脉骨瓣和骨膜瓣移植治疗股骨中下段骨不愈合及骨缺损18例.中华创伤杂志,2001,(8):504-505.

[65]  孙强,赵德伟.成人股骨头缺血坏死误诊348例分析.中国误诊学杂志,2002,(11).

[66]  孙强,赵德伟. = 3 \* ROMAN III型霰弹枪伤致骨及软织缺损的显微外科修复及功能重建.中国骨与关节损伤杂志,2003,(4).

[67] 孙强,赵德伟.半腱肌腱转位治疗内侧副韧带损伤疗效观察.中国误诊学杂志, 2004,4(7):1078-1079.

[68]  孙强,赵德伟.显微外科方法及加压固定治疗四肢长骨骨不愈合.骨与关节损伤杂志,2004,19(6):379-381.

[69]  孙强,赵德伟. 半腱肌腱转位联合内侧副韧带股骨止点上移治疗膝关节内侧副韧带松弛[J]. 中华创伤杂志,2005,06:414-416.

[70]  孙强,赵德伟. 外固定架固定经皮骨水泥注入治疗晚期四肢转移癌性病理性骨折[J]. 中国骨肿瘤骨病,2005,03:133-134.

[71]  于晓光,赵德伟. 带血管蒂骨(膜)瓣转移术治疗月骨坏死28例疗效观察[J]. 中国误诊学杂志,2005,01:82-83.

[72]  王铁男,赵德伟.胫腓骨严重开放骨折并骨缺损的修复.中国骨与关节损伤杂志,2005,20(9):632.

[73]  郭哲,郭玲,赵德伟,等.尺神经损伤显微外科修复疗效观察.中国骨与关节损伤杂志,2001,15(5):386-387.

[74]  肖嵩华,赵德伟,刘宇鹏,等.带血管蒂的大转子骨与筋膜瓣转移髋关节成形术.解放军医学杂志,2003,(10).

[75]  张合亮,赵德伟,刘美利.小切口在全髋关节置换中的应用.现代医药卫生,2005(1).

[76]  张克民,吕占辉,赵德伟,等.酒精灭活再植并游离腓骨植入治疗股骨远端恶性肿瘤.实用骨科杂志,2005,(2).

[77]  张合亮,赵德伟,刘美利,等.全髋置换与带血运骨瓣移植在治疗中晚期股骨头缺血性坏死的疗效比较.岭南现代临床外科,2005,(3).

[78]  张克民,赵德伟,吕占辉,等.不扩髓带锁髓内针治疗胫骨开放骨折疗效观察.中国误诊杂志,2005,(8).

[79]  崔旭,赵德伟,古长江.股骨头缺血性坏死塌陷预测的生物力学研究.中国临床解剖学杂志,2005,23(2):103.

[80]  李静东,赵德伟,朱盛修,等.带血管蒂髂骨膜瓣移位治疗股骨头缺血性坏死.中国修复重建外科杂志, 2001,14(1):37-38.

[81]  李静东,赵德伟,崔旭,等。股骨转子间截骨联合术式治疗晚期髋关节发育不良,中国骨与关节损伤杂志,2005,20(1):12.

[82]  李静东,赵德伟,崔旭,等.股骨转子间截骨联合术式治疗晚期髋关节发育不良.中国骨与关节损伤杂志,2005,(1).

[83]  Lineaweaver WC, Zhang F. Microsurgery, volumes 21, New York, Wiley-Liss, Inc., 2001.

[84]  郭哲,赵德伟.膝关节镜下离子冷凝刀的临床应用价值.中华外科杂志,2003,(4).

[85]  张朝阳,赵德伟.带腓动脉血管蒂小腿外侧皮瓣的临床应用.中华显微外科杂志,2002,(4).

[86]  Ji Y, Zhang F, Schwartz J, Stile F, Lineaweaver WC. Assessment of Facial Tissue Expansion with Three-dimensional Digitizer Scanning: A Case Report. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 13:687, 2002.

[87]  Angel MF, Zhang F, Jones M, Henderson J, Chapman SW. Necrotizing Fasciitis of the Upper Extremity Resulting from A Water Moccasin Bite. Southern Medical Journal 95:1090, 2002.

[88]  Komorowska-Timek E, Zhang F, Shi DY, Lineaweaver WC, Buncke HJ. The Effect of Cryopreservation on Patency and Histologic Changes of Arterial Isogeic and Allogeneic Grafts in the Rat Model. Annals of Plastic Surgery 49:404, 2002.

[89]  Li V, Zhang F, Blain B, Patel J, Longstreet S, Lineaweaver WC. Microvascular Anastomosis in Vessels with Diameter Less Than One Millimeter. Romania Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery 7:5, 2002.

[90]  Lineaweaver WC, Zhang F. Microsurgery, volumes 23, New York, Wiley-Liss, Inc., 2003.

[91]  Richards L, Lineaweaver WC, Stile F, Zhang J, Zhang F. Effect of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy on the Tubed Pedicle Flap Survival in A Rat Model. Annals of Plastic Surgery 50:51, 2003.

[92]  Zhu C, Zhang F, Lei MP, Oswald T, Lineaweaver WC. Clinical Case Experience Using Microsurgical Venous Flaps for Soft Tissue Coverage of the Lower Extremity. Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery 19:173, 2003.

[93]  Shi DY, Zhang F, Kryger Z, Yu C, Chen TY, Cui DF, Lineaweaver WC, Chen ZW. Effect of Osteogenic Growth Peptide on Osteoblast Proliferation and Stimulation of Bone Formation. Timisoara Medical Journal 53:11, 2003.

[94]  Pang Y, Lineaweaver WC, Lei MP, Shamburger S, Oswald T, Cai ZW, Zhang F. Evaluation of the Mechanism of Vascular Endothelium Growth Factor on Improving Ischemic Flap Survival in Rats. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 112:556, 2003.

[95]  Chang SM, Hou CL, Zhang F, Lineaweaver WC, Chen ZW, Gu YD. Distally-Based Radial Forearm Flap with Preservation of the Radial Artery: Anatomic, Experimental and Clinical Studies. Microsurgery 23:328, 2003.

[96]  Zhang J, Oswald TM, Lineaweaver WC, Chen ZR, Zhang GJ, Chen ZW, Zhang F. Enhancement of Rat Sciatic Nerve Regeneration by Fibronectin and Laminin through a Silicone Chamber. Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery 19:467, 2003.

[97]  Habibipour S, Oswald TM, Zhang F, Joshi P, Zhou XC, Dorsett-Martin W, Lineaweaver WC. Effect of Sodium Diphenyhydantoin on Skin Wound Healing in rats. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 112:1620, 2003.

[98]  Hui K, Zhang F, Lineaweaver WC, Rumley T, Buncke HJ. The Extended Gracilis Myocutaneous Flap with Including Saphenous Venous Outflow: Anatomic Dissections and Clinical Cases. Romanian Journal of Hand and Reconstructive Microsurgery 8:13, 2003.

[99]  Hui K, Zhang F, Pickus E, Rodriguez LF, Teng N, Lineaweaver WC. Modification of the Vertical Rectus Abdominis Myocutaneous (VRAM) Flap for Functional Reconstruction of Complex Vulvoperineal Defects. Annals of Plastic Surgery 51:556, 2003.

[100]  Lineaweaver WC, Zhang F. Microsurgery, volumes 24, New York, Wiley-Liss, Inc., 2004.

[101]  Hou CL, Chang SM, Zhang F. Seventh Congress of Chinese Society of Microsurgery. Microsurgery 23:539, 2003.

[102]  Lin SY, Rhodes PG, Lei MP, Zhang F, Cai ZW. Alpha-phenyl-N-butyl-nitrone Attenuates Hypoxic Ischemic White Matter Injury in the Neonatal Rat Brain. Brain Research 1007:132, 2004.

[103]  Zhang J, Lineaweaver WC, Oswald T, Chen ZR, Chen ZW, Zhang F. Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor for Acceleration of Peripheral Nerve Regeneration: An Experimental Study. Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery 20:323, 2004.

[104]  Komorowska-Timek, E, Timek TA, Brevetti LS, Zhang F, Lineaweaver WC, Buncke HJ. The Effect of Single Administration of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor or L-Arginine on Necrosis and Vasculature of the Epigastric Flap in the Rat Model. British Journal of Plastic Surgery 57:317, 2004.

[105]  Lineaweaver WC, Lei MP, Mustain W, Oswald T, Cui C, Zhang F. Vascular Endothelium Growth Factor, Surgical Delay, and Skin Flap Survival. Annals of Surgery 239:866, 2004.

[106]  Waller W, Lee J, Zhang F, Lineaweaver WC. Gene Therapy in Flap Survival, Microsurgery 24:168, 2004.

[107]  Oswald TM, Zhang F, Lei MP, Gerzenshtein J, Tschoi M, Lineaweaver WC. Muscle Flap Mass Preservation with End-to-Side Neurorhapphy: An Experimental Study. Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery 20:483, 2004.

[108]  Hu EC, Zhang F, Lineaweaver WC. Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Gene Therapy in Improvement of Skin Paddle Survival in a Rat TRAM Flap Model. Journal of American College of Surgeons 199:S64, 2004.

[109]  Zhang J, Chen WJ, Zhang F, Chen TY, Lineaweaver WC. Gene Transfer in Peripheral Nerve Injury and Repair. Foreign Medical Science (Section of Orthopedics) 25:266, 2004.

[110]  Zhang J, Chen WJ, Zhang F, Chen TY, Lineaweaver WC. End-to-Side Neurorrhaphy. Foreign Medical Science (Section of Orthopedics) 25:274, 2004.

[111]  Lineaweaver WC, Zhang F. Microsurgery, volumes 25, New York, Wiley-Liss, Inc., 2005.

[112]  Chang SM, Zhang F, Yu GR, Hou CL, Gu YD. Modified distally based peroneal artery perforator flap for reconstruction of foot and ankle. Microsurgery 24:430, 2004.

[113]  Ionac M, Lineaweaver WC, Zhang F. Experimental Microsurgery, Practical Manual. Orizonturi Universitare, Timisoara, 2004.

[114]  Chen LL, Zhang F. My Father, Dr. Zhong-Wei Chen. Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery 21:3, 2005.

[115]  Yu GR, Yuan F, Chang SM, Zhang F. Microsurgical Second Dorsal Metacarpal Artery Cutaneous and Tenocutaneous Flap for Distal Finger Reconstruction: Anatomic Study and Clinical Application. Microsurgery 25:30, 2005.

[116]  Yu GR, Yuan F, Chang SM, Lineaweaver WC, Zhang F. Microsurgical Fibular Graft for Full-length Radius Reconstruction after Giant-cell Tumor Resection: A Case Report. Microsurgery 25:121, 2005.

[117]  Sud V, Lindley SG, McDaniel O, Freeland AE, Zhang F, Dorsett-Martin D, Bigler SA, Lineaweaver WC. Evaluation of Fructose 1,6 diphosphate for Salvage of Ischemic Gracilis Flaps in Rats. Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery 21:191, 2005.

[118]  Wang JN, Wang SY, Wang ZJ, Liu D, Zhao GQ, Zhang F. Temporary Ectopic Implantation for Salvage of the Amputated Lower Extremities: Case Reports.  Microsurgery 25:385, 2005.

[119]  Topp SG, Zhang F, Chatterjee T, Lineaweaver WC. The Role of Nitric Oxide in Surgical Flap Survival. Journal of American College of Surgeons 201:628, 2005.

[120]  Li LJ, Zhang J, Zhang F, Lineaweaver WC, Chen TY, Chen ZW. Longitudinal Intrafascicular Electrodes in Collection and Analysis of Sensory Signals of the Peripheral Nerve in A Feline Model. Microsurgery 25:561, 2005.

[121]  Fan LW, Lin S, Pang Y, Lei M, Zhang F, Rhodes PG, Cai Z. Hypoxia-ischemia Induced Neurological Dysfunction and Brain Injury in the Neonatal Rat. Behavioral Brain Research 165:80, 2005.

[122]  Chang SM, Yuan F, Yu GR, Li HF, Zhou JQ, Zhang F. Distally Based Dorso-ulnar Neurovenocutaneous Flap of the Thumb for Fingertip Reconstruction and Its Venous Drainage. Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy 23:206, 2005.

[123]  Li LJ, Zhang J, Chen TY, Zhang F, Chao YX, Chen ZW. Experimental Study on Collecting and Analyzing Peripheral Nerve Sensory Signal. Clinical Medical Journal of China 12:257, 2005.

[124]  Chang SM, Yu GR, Yuan F, Zhou JQ, Zhang F. Clinical Evolution and Application of Distally Based Sural Neurofasciocutaneous Flap for Distal Lower Leg, Foot and Ankle Coverage. Journal of Tongji University, Medical Science (Chinese) 26:42, 2005.

[125]  Li LJ, Zhang J, Zhang F, Wu ZZ, Chao YX, Chen TY, Chen ZW. Application of the Longitudinal Intrafascicular Electrodes in Collecting and Analyzing Sensory Signals of Peripheral Nerve. Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation 9:34, 2005.

[126]  Chang SM, Zhang F, Yu GR. Tinel’s Sign. Chinese Journal of Practical Hand Surgery 4:29, 2005.

[127]  Chang SM, Xu DC, Yu GR, Zhang F. Composite and Combined Flaps: Classification, Donor Site and Clinical Applications. Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy 6:114, 2005.

[128]  Fischer K, Blain B, Zhang F, Richards L, Lineaweaver WC. Treatment of the Facial Angiofibromas of Tuberous Sclerosis by Shave Excision and Dermabrasion in a Dark-skinned Patient. Annals of Plastic Surgery 46:332, 2001.

[129]  Blain B, Zhang F, Jones M, Richards L, Fischer K, Dorsett-Martin W, Lineaweaver WC. Vascular Grafts in the Rat Model: An Anatomic Study. Microsurgery 21:80, 2001.

[130]  Krygen Z, Krygen G, Zhang F, Shelto DL, Lineaweaver WC, Buncke HJ. Experimental Treatment of Neuromas in the Rat Using TrkA-IgG Fusion Protein, A Novel Antagonist of Nerve Growth Factor. American Journal of Hand Surgery 26:635, 2001.

[131]  Fischer K, Zhang F, Angel FM, Lineaweaver WC. Injuries Associated with Mandible Fractures Sustained in Motor Vehicle Collisions. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 108:328, 2001.

[132]  Fischer K, Zhang F, Komorowska-Timek E, Guo M, Cui D, Dorsett-Martin W, Buncke HJ, Lineaweaver, WC. Improvement of Skin Paddle Survival by Application of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor in a Rat TRAM Flap Model. Journal MSMA 42:200, 2001.

[133]  Jones M, Zhang F, Blain B, Guo M, Cui D, Lineaweaver WC. Influence of Recipient Bed Isolation on Survival Rates of Skin Flap Transfer in Rats. Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery 17:653, 2001.

[134]  Lineaweaver WC, Zhang F. Microsurgery, volumes 22, New York, Wiley-Liss, Inc., 2002.

[135]  Hui KC, Zhang F, Shaw WW, Feng LJ, Piccolo NS, Harper A, Abramson D, Lineaweaver WC. Assessment of the Patency of Microvascular Venous Anastomosis. Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery 18:111, 2002.

[136]  Ji Y, Li T, Shamburger S, Jin J, Lineaweaver, Zhang F. Microsurgical Anterolateral Thigh Fasciocutaneous Flap for Facial Contour Correction in Patients with Hemifacial Microsomia. Microsurgery 22:34, 2002.

[137]  Gampper TJ, Zhang F, Mofakhami NF, Morgan RF, Amiss R, Hoard MA, Angel MF. The Beneficial Effect of Hyperbaric Oxygen on Island Flaps Subjected to Secondary Venous Ischemia. Microsurgery 22:49, 2002.

[138]  Angel MF, Zhang F, Rogers B, Caplan J, Dorsett-Martin W, Blain B, Lineaweaver WC. The Role of Free Radicals in Necrosis of Skin Graft Compromised with Hematoma. Annals of Plastic Surgery 48:665, 2002.